Australian Grand Prix: Doohan Surprise

Jack Doohan to perform demo run at Australian Grand Prix with father Mick


At the upcoming Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne's Albert Park, a special demonstration will feature Mick Doohan, a five-time 500cc world champion, alongside his son Jack Doohan, an up-and-coming Alpine reserve driver.

They will celebrate 30 years since Mick's first championship by each taking to the track in iconic racing vehicles. Jack will pilot a Benetton B200 Formula 1 car from the year 2000, while Mick will ride a MotoGP Honda RCV213.

This unique event marks their first joint track appearance, aimed at honoring Mick's remarkable career and sharing this moment with the Australian audience.

“I’m so excited to be on track with my Dad in Albert Park during the Australian Grand Prix weekend,” said Doohan. “It’s actually the first time we have shared a track together with me in a car and him on a bike so that will be an incredibly special moment.

Ana Wid

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